Harbour EL provides an exceptional level of early learning for children from birth to five years. Meaningful, inclusive curricula to enrich every child’s learning has been developed by highly qualified early childhood teachers, educators and advisors. Our inspiring indoor and outdoor spaces have been curated by Australia’s leading architectural, interior and play space designers.

Welcome to Harbour Early Learning

We believe that every child has the right to a high-quality education and access to knowledge, family and community, and therefore ensure that we provide:

  • a curriculum and enrichment curricula developed by our highly qualified early childhood teachers, educators and advisors

  • a dedicated outdoor early childhood educator to facilitate complex and thoughtful experiences in our outdoor environments and community

  • learning spaces of the highest standard designed by Australia’s best architectural, interior and play space designers

  • our children with greater access to university degree qualified early childhood teachers well beyond what is typically provided in early learning centres

  • a higher early childhood teacher and educator to child ratio for each classroom – allowing for increased engagements, support and time for our teaching teams to create intentional, meaningful play and learning experiences for each child

  • thoughtfully considered resources and experiences, including our seasonally prepared menus curated by our nutritionist and cooked by our in-house chef, through to our sustainable and ethically sourced uniforms.

“At Harbour EL, we believe children have the right to an identity that is shaped from their early life experiences and their efforts to make sense of the world they share with others or the experiences they can share through living on the land or by exploring the sea and the air. Children have a responsibility to uphold the rights of others and to grow in their understanding of being respectful of self and others, of being loved and shown kindness in order to  love and to be kind to all others.

Children have a right to access knowledge about family, culture and community and for an education that is a continuum that begins at home, with family, then on through the early childhood years. Family values and equity of access to educational experiences pave the foundation for a life to be well lived ensuring respect for sustainability, within a civil, socially just and equitable society.”

Wendy Shepherd


Harbour Early Learning Executive Director of Education

About Harbour EL

We place the rights of children at the heart of our decisions about curriculum, daily programs and routines.

Our vision is to create an early childhood educational learning environment that celebrates children within architecturally significant spaces, aesthetically considered interiors and outdoor play spaces. At Harbour EL, we engage and collaborate with aspirational early childhood teachers and educators who are critical thinkers, knowledgeable, capable, and invested in our children and their families.

We aim to create a community of learning where family values are reflected in our curriculum and the experiences for each child ensure that their personality, learning disposition, ideas and interests are recognised and nurtured. We are inspired by the marvel of early childhood and the curiosity that each child has to the world around them.

“To make a loveable school, industrious, inventive, liveable, documentable and communicable, a place of research, learning, recognition and reflection, where children, teachers and families feel well - is our point of arrival.”

Loris Malaguzzi


Our curriculum emerges from the events that take place each day. It is reflective of the children’s explorations, investigations, conversations and ideas, and the practitioner knowledge of sound early childhood development and education.

It will assist all our children to become ‘successful learners, confident and creative individuals, and active and informed citizens’ (Australian Curriculum).

We offer progressive and sector leading early education with a commitment to sound but innovative curriculum, research and practice underpinned by:

  • The Early Years Learning Framework: Belonging, Being and Becoming (2023)

  • The Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority

  • The Education and Care Services National Regulations (2011)

  • Traditional and progressive early childhood philosophers and theorists

  • The Early Childhood Trajectories (2022)

Our philosophy is based on the rights of the child and also reflects the philosophies from past and current day educational theorists. We consider the Reggio Emilia approach which recognises the connection between early childhood teachers, educators, communities and families to ensure each child’s individual needs and strengths are nurtured. We also consider, the Forest Schools’ philosophies which encourage children to spend regular periods of time in unstructured play in natural or beach environments. We have the unique opportunity to provide both on the Vaucluse foreshores.

Further influence of the theories of Montessori, Steiner, Froebel, Dewey, Foucault, hook*, Moss, Haraway and others, have provided a sound framework for developing an early childhood curriculum at Harbour EL.

“Children learn as they play. Most importantly, in play children learn how to learn.”

O. Fred Donaldson

Enrichment Curricula

We offer children multiple opportunities to engage in learning through play - inquiry about the physical world, developing critical thinking skills and building friendships. 

Our enrichment curricula program has been developed by our teaching teams to nurture each child’s physical, cognitive, language, social and emotional development.

These experiences are essential to each child’s growth in their early years as they form important building blocks and life skills that will be drawn on throughout their lives, and include:

  • Fundamental Movement Skills and Physical Exercise

  • Community Excursions

  • Language, Music and Literacy

  • Mindfulness and Meditation

  • Cooking and Nutrition

  • Sustainability and Environment

Great adventures start here.