Our enrichment curricula program has been developed by our teaching teams to nurture each child’s physical, cognitive, language, social and emotional development. These experiences are essential to each child’s growth as they form important building blocks and life skills that will be drawn on throughout their lives.

Enrichment Curricula

Harbour EL provides a well-rounded, versatile enrichment curricula offering, to reflect current early childhood theories in order to enhance and promote children’s inner well being and sense of self. We strive to collaborate with children as global citizens in learning about our shared responsibilities to the environment and humanity.

Fundamental Movement Skills and Physical Exercise

Our specialist Outdoor Early Childhood Educator, in collaboration with the teaching teams, curates a series of natural science investigations and exercise programs for all Harbour EL children. This facilitates a well rounded introduction to the wonderful world of environmental awareness and sustainability, natural sciences and an understanding of the basic fundamental movement skills.

This skilled teacher also plans and attends the Parsley Play Program. These programs are not only about the opportunity to engage in and challenge the children’s gross motor development with physical and robust play within our outdoor play spaces…  there is also the opportunity to develop a love and respect for the natural world, including gardening, bushland, living creatures and the ocean. Our landmark centre is fortunate enough to be surrounded by some of the most diverse educational environments available.

  • Developing gross motor coordination in the early years is critical to the enjoyment and positive relationship with sport and exercise. Our physical education program will improve children’s fitness and eagerness to be physically active to build positive lifelong healthy living habits. The ‘Munch and Move Program’ will be delivered in each classroom.

  • Our children will engage in a diverse range of experiences in the outdoor spaces at the centre and around the Vaucluse shoreline. As their social skills develop, they will engage in risky place and learn to respectfully take turns and play fairly.

  • Playing with a variety of peers and enhancing social interactions naturally boosts children’s confidence.

  • Our program is designed to nurture and encourage a love of physical movement and physical activity.

  • Engaging in risky play enhances children’s problem solving skills and their ability to manage risks. It also develops resilience and an understanding about taking risks in their future lives.

Community Excursions

Our outdoor educational excursions are constructed by our specialised Outdoor Educator in collaboration with the teaching teams. They allow our children to explore their community and local environments and be exposed to new, interesting experiences.

Community excursions also offer children an opportunity to practice becoming responsible citizens who are respectful of the land and the creatures that share our environment. Our programs are seasonal and include trips to exhibitions, visits from our Zoo friends at Taronga, trips to local libraries, visits to the Museum of Contemporary Art and our Parsley Play Program.

At Harbour EL, the values of love, kindness, empathy, respect for self and others will permeate the curriculum and each learning experience.

Language, Music and Literacy

A key outcome at Harbour EL is providing children with boundless opportunities and new experience. Our program is committed to multicultural education. This means we share a commitment to human rights, dignity of the individual and social justice. We strive to create a program that reflects the diverse lives of our children, families, and staff within our community. We seek to recognise, embrace and respect the uniqueness of each child, family and cultural mores and traditions. 

Experiencing different cultures and being exposed to other languages and music has been shown to improve children’s perception of their environment and enhance their development. Children will be able to learn new phrases in Dahrug and be exposed to multiple languages represented within our EL community. Our children will be actively involved in learning these languages and words as part of nursery rhyme, storytelling and conversations. Harbour EL also runs a Creative Arts Program. These learning and experiences are developed by our passionate teaching teams in conjunction with artists.

  • The process of learning language provides an awareness of the diverse cultures of the world and promotes understanding and empathy for all aspects of humanity.

  • Learning new languages promotes stronger left and right side brain thinking.

  • We encourage families to maintain home language as being bilingual (or trilingual) enhances future learning.

Mindfulness and Meditation

Learning to relax is an important life skill. Mindfulness and meditation are provided to give an introduction into the holistic benefits of these areas.

We aim to strengthen the mind and teach children to be present and thoughtful in an age appropriate way. Our children will be exposed to the first steps of yoga (including introductory poses, breathing and stretching exercises) by their early childhood teachers and educators.

Cooking and Nutrition

Our full-time, onsite chef conducts cooking classes for our toddlers and preschoolers. These classes encourage children to learn about the five healthy food groups and food preparation, and help to explain nutritional value and how to make healthy choices.

The curriculum is guided by The Australian Government’s Guide to Healthy Eating and also encourages hygiene and cleanliness. Our nutritional experts provide information to families to ensure happy and healthy children. We can always assist with any eating challenges your child may be facing.

  • Children learn good hygiene practices before touching and eating food. These include hand washing and avoiding touching their face and hair while preparing food.

  • Children are included in learning about the preparation of food. Independence is developed as children have the responsibility to measure and mix ingredients whilst making food.

  • Our chef will prepare meals that encourage the children to make healthy food choices.

Sustainability and Environment  

Sustainability and respect for the environment are key components of our learning at Harbour EL. We want each child to be aware of the responsibility we all have for the future of our environment and how their decisions and choices impact it directly.

Children will be able to learn how to harvest fruit, vegetables and herbs, as well as composting, recycling, watering and horticulture. We will ensure each child understands the mutually beneficial relationship they share with their environment and will be encouraged to use natural resources as they play.

  • Our children learn how to caring for our planet, its plants and it’s creatures.

  • To build environmentally friendly practices within our program, we discuss with children sustainable practices as we: engage in the daily learning experiences; use and care for materials/resources; and in our routines of hand washing, mealtimes and clearing away. Minimising waste, responsible disposal of waste, re-using and recycling materials are topics that are discussed in daily practice.

  • Understanding the life cycle of the environment and how plants grow ensures an appreciation for plants, food, and the environment. It fosters a sense of responsibility from an early age. Family values are also significant for children, and we welcome your support in helping us to live sustainably at Harbour EL and for sharing practices to improve our sustainable practice.

We want the best for our children, so that’s what we set out to provide: a place where every child is safe, nurtured and nourished.